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When my son Lincoln was two years old he was not speaking.  He was trying desperately to communicate with his older brothers and the only way he could was by making various grunting noises.  Concerned, I spoke with his pediatrician who referred me to the Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic.

Lincoln was tested and very quickly started receiving treatments.  He was well over a year behind, communicating more like a one year old.  Martha Reeves was his clinician and began working with us. 

Almost immediately I began to see changes and improvements in my son’s speech.  Those first words he spoke were so powerful and had such an instant positive effect upon him.  He could finally begin to communicate with us and I saw a lot of his yelling and screaming fits melt away!

Through Martha, I was able to also see how much he comprehended – but just had not been able to express.

Over the next two and a half years we have met every week and the lessons and education that was provided not only to Lincoln, but to me as well, has changed his life.  I really appreciate being taught how to help my son speak so I could work with him during the week.  Then when we met together we could tackle the next challenge.

Because of this therapy, I have seen my son blossom into a child that now talks constantly! His self-confidence has shot way up.  No longer do people look at me puzzled and say, “What did he say?”  Instead, he has become an out-gong boy who enjoys interacting with others.

I am so grateful and proud to say that after all of his wonderful treatment, Lincoln is now speaking well above his age level.  His speech impediment is barely noticeable and I truly feel that the course of his life has been changed for the better because of Martha, the Scottish Rite, and the many wonderful donors who made this all possible for my son.

Within two years, Lincoln went from speaking at a 2 year, 3 month old level to now at age 5 he is speaking at a 7 year old level!

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